Monday, December 12, 2022




Bronchial asthma is a disease that causes the bronchial tubes within the lungs to swell and become narrow, making it difficult to breathe.  Some individuals can also produce excess mucus, with increased coughing and expelling of phlegm.  Asthma affects more than 25 million Americans, which also includes 5 million children (Asthma, 2022, Cleveland Clinic). 

            When breathing normally the bronchial tubes relax allowing air to flow freely.  An asthma attack can be caused from bronchospasms, where the muscles within the airways constrict, or become inflamed.  Common symptoms of asthma are chest tightness, angina, pressure in chest, coughing, shortness of breath, and rhonchi.

Types of Asthma

Asthma can be caused by several factors and have different categories.  Intermittent asthma only occurs some of the time, whereas asthma that is persistent means there are continuous symptoms, then it can be categorized as mild, moderate, and severe.  Non- allergic asthma is triggered by activities like exercise, illnesses, and weather.  Individuals with allergies to mold, pollen, and pets can also be triggers to asthmatic symptoms.  Nocturnal or nighttime asthma occurs often because sleeping on your back increases the pressure on your chest and lungs.  Individuals can have excess sinus drainage, as well as the air in the home can be too hot or cold (Asthma, 2022, Cleveland Clinic).  Other triggers for asthma symptoms can be toxins, fumes, air pollution, dust mites and cigarette smoke.  Eosinophilic asthma is associated with having high levels of eosinophils (white blood cells) which can cause blockages of excesses mucus and produce inflamed airways, sinuses, and nasal passages (Dresden, 2017).

Inheriting asthma from a close family member is very common.  Also, early life events like being born prematurely, having a low-birth weight, exposure to tobacco smoke and contracting viral respiratory infections increase the risk of developing asthma (Asthma, 2022, WHO).


Diagnosing Asthma

A primary care physician can order chest x-rays to rule out other complications that mimic asthma, like pneumonia.   CT scans allow the doctors to view the bronchial passages and lung densities, along with determining the severity of the disease (Grimm, 2020).  Although there are no blood tests to diagnose asthma, doctors can run tests for allergens, to see if allergic conditions are the cause of the asthmatic symptoms.

A respiratory therapist can conduct pulmonary function tests to measure lung volume and capacities.  The Vital Capacity is the maximum amount of air that one can inhale into or exhale out of their lungs.  A peak expiratory flow measurement indicates how fast you can force air out of your lungs.  A spirometer measures how much air your lungs can hold and how much air you can exhale in 1 second after you’ve taken a deep breath.  This measurement is called forced expiratory volume (FEV1) and is compared to other’s FEV1 who do not have asthma (Asthma treatment: 3 steps to better asthma control, 2021).  Another test that can be performed is the exhaled nitric oxide test, it measures the amount of nitric oxide gas in your breath, high levels present can mean the bronchial tubes are inflamed, signaling towards asthma.


Risk and Complications

There are several risks and complications associated with this disease.  Children can have growth delays and have an increased risk of learning disabilities.  Adults have more frequent sick days and an increased risk of depression.  Both can have permanent narrowing of bronchial tubes, medication side effects, increased emergency room visits, increased risk of obesity, and a lingering coughing (Caltamanchi, 2019).  Side effects of medication include tachycardia, hoarseness, throat irritation and oral yeast infections (caused by inhaled corticosteroids), insomnia, and gastroesophageal reflux. 

Studies have shown that long-term use of corticosteroids is associated with serious side effects like multi-organ toxicities and immunosuppression (McMaster University, 2018).  “Patients with the most severe form of asthma produce special substances in their airways when taking medication during an asthma attack that blocks the treatment from working”.  In some cases, the use of corticosteroid inhalers promotes the secretion of these growth-factors in the bronchi.  There is research to find ways to block these growth-factors, allowing the rescue medication to work effectively (MacPherson, 2022).

Another chronic condition that can occur in severe cases is with airway remodeling, which is permanent structural changes including alterations to the structural cells and tissue.  This condition can reduce lung function, produce chronic coughing, bronchial thickening, increased mucus production, and an increased blood supply in airways (Caltamanchi, 2019).

A severe risk of asthma is respiratory failure, which is a life-threatening event when not enough oxygen travels from the lungs into the blood.  The largest risk of asthma is death.  “CDC reports that 9 Americans die from asthma every day.  There are more than 4000 asthma-related deaths a year in America.  But many of these deaths are preventable with proper symptom and emergency care” (Caltamanchi, 2019).

Treatment and Prevention of Asthma

            There are several options available to individuals that suffer with asthma symptoms.  Inhalation therapies and oral medications are common prescriptions that people take to help manage and control their symptoms.  Long-term anti-inflammatories like corticosteroids are used every day to control and prevent chronic asthma.  Their purpose is to reduce swelling and mucus production.  Bronchodilators, which provide a metered dose of aerosol medication, that helps relax the bronchial muscles and relieve the symptoms immediately. 

            Biologic medication is referred as an active antibody that is given as a subcutaneous (under the skin) injection.  This newer method was developed to treat severe asthma.  “In a study of over 200 participants with severe asthma, the new treatment was shown to have improved asthma symptoms and lung function, while reducing the need for corticosteroids by up to 70%” (McMaster University, 2018). 

An antibody called dupilumab treats asthma by blocking 2 specific proteins that are associated with inflammation in the airways (McMaster University, 2018).  Dupixent is an injection, that was approved by the FDA in 2018.  It is given twice a month to help treat severe asthma, eosinophilic asthma, and for those who are corticosteroid dependent.  The clinical trials showed 81% fewer asthma attacks and their lung functioning improved by 21-23% (Williamson, 2022).  Tezspire is another medication that was approved by the FDA in 2021 to treat all forms of asthma, which is also given by injection every four weeks (Marshall, 2022).

            Individuals with asthma have looked for other ways to manage their asthma.  “According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), complementary therapies involve using nontraditional practices in combination with traditional medicine, whereas alternative treatments are used instead of traditional medicine”.  NCCIH reports more than 30% Americans have turned to complementary or alternative therapies.  Some remedies may help manage symptoms, but they are not meant to replace prescribed medications from doctors (Rodriguez, 2021). 

            Although exercise can trigger asthma attacks, it still does improve the cardiovascular system, thus improving the individual’s quality of life.  A recommended 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week, along with strength training helps control asthma symptoms.  Along with exercise, yoga and breathing exercise have been shown to lessen symptoms of asthma.

Holistic approaches have also been studied to help individuals manage their asthma.  Turmeric supplements have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can be very beneficial for this disease.  A study of adults taking 500 mg daily showed to reduce inflammation (Rodriguez, 2021).

Future Research

Asthma is often under-treated in low- to middle- income countries causing individuals and their families to suffer the burden of the disease.  Access to medications is limited in lower income countries, leaving many people unable to manage their disease.  With proper treatment and management individuals can live a normal and active life.  “WHO [World Health Organization] is committed to improving the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of asthma to reduce the global burden of NCDs [non-communicable diseases] and make progress towards universal health coverage” (Asthma, 2022, WHO). 

Without research we would not be able to find medications and promising treatments for asthma.  The American Lung Association is committed to funding research to understand how asthma is caused and the best treatment options.  They are investigating the immune system’s role in asthma, effects of mold on severe asthma, improving severe asthma in children, and studying genes and their role in controlling the immune response (Asthma research, 2020).  In the future we can hope to lessen the burden on individuals living with asthma, and possibly find a cure.

Medical Term Definitions

Bronchial Tubes

Airways that enter the lungs


Muscles that line the airways tighten


Chest pain


Difficult, labored breathing


“Wheezing” -whistle or rattle sound in the lungs when the airways are partially blocked


White blood cells responsible for fighting disease

CT Scan

Type of imaging that allow you to see bones, muscles, organs, and blood vessels


Rapid heartbeat


Sleep disorder where you have trouble falling or staying asleep

Gastroesophageal reflux

When stomach acid flows back from the stomach into the esophagus.


A steroid that reduces inflammation


A weakened immune system



Asthma. (2022, January 19). Cleveland Clinic.

Asthma. (2022, May 11). WHO.


Asthma research. (2020, October 23). American Lung Association.

Asthma treatment: 3 steps to better asthma control. (2021, September 16). Mayo Clinic.

Cattamanchi, A. (2019, January 10). Complications of Asthma. Healthline.

Dresden, D. (2017, September 20). What to know about eosinophilic asthma. Medical News today.

Grimm, L. (2020, December 28). Asthma imaging and diagnosis. Medscape.

MacPherson, K. (2022, May 31).  Scientists Solve Long-Standing Mystery: Why Do Some Asthma Patients Respond Poorly to Treatment? Rutgers.

Marshall, H. (2022, May 4). Tezspire. Medical News Today.

McMaster University. (2018, May 22). New treatment for severe asthma. ScienceDaily. Retrieved June 30, 2022 from

Rodrigues, D. (2021 April 28). Do Natural Remedies and Treatments Work for Asthma? Everyday health.

Williamson, J. (2022, May 7). Dupixent. Medical News Today.

Does Birth Order Effect Personality


Does Birth Order Effect Personality?

Corey (2013) writes, the “actual birth order is less important than the individual’s interpretation of his or her place in the family” (pg. 108).  I believe this point is important to remember when confirming how accurate Adler’s description of birth order is when compared to my family.  I am the oldest sibling with one younger sister, who was born five years after me.  I have vague memories of my life as a young child, but my most memorable experience is when my sister was born.  I also have many memories of my childhood being spent with my grandparents in North Carolina.  It was difficult to reflect much younger than being eight, but with some deep thought and inspiration from my parents I was able to recollect some important events.

Reflecting on before my sister was born, I do not remember my mother’s pregnancy, but I know I went to the hospital to meet my newborn sister.  I was able to hold her, although my parents were close by to help me.  My grandparents were at our home, and I remember many visitors.  I do not know many feelings except for excitement.  I made sure to be included and somewhat protective over her.  I wanted to feed her and played on the floor with her.  In reflection after reading that Adler believed the addition of a second child, “meant the dethronement of the first-born” (Berger, 2021), can explain why I felt neglected, and became more independent.

            Before my sister was born, I did have all of my parents' attention, I was told that I was an easy-going baby and was good at entertaining myself.  These qualities, I believe, enhanced my abilities to adjust after her birth.  My sister was nothing like me.  As a young child she was stubborn and uncontrollable.  Adler was correct by saying, “the typical second child behaves as if she were in a race and is generally under full steam at all times” (Corey, pg. 108).  I remember my parents describing her as a “bull in a China shop.”  Growing up, I can describe her as more outgoing than myself.  She was always free-spirited, adventurous, and sensitive.  I tend to take more precautions, think through my options, I am introverted, and less empathetic.

            Another memory I have was shortly after my sister was born, my birthday party at my grandparents’ house.  My sister was two-months old, so my party was also a welcoming party for her.  All my family came, we had a clown for the kids and a large cookout.  It was one of the biggest parties I ever had.  Reflecting now I realize I was not the star of the show, but at the time it was the best birthday.  Most of my childhood memories involve my grandparents because their house was so far away, it was like a mini vacation.  After my sister was born, I stayed there for weeks at a time.  I enjoyed the company of my cousins, and the attention I got without my sister around.  At home, besides in school, I did not have many friends to play with and me and my sister did not get along.  I did crave a feeling of belonging, and with my parents busy working schedules, there was not much time for socializing.  I must have missed this stage in my development, whereas my sister, as she got older, got to be included in activities with me.

In many ways we are similar.  I had to ask my parents for their input, as I felt my assessment was biased.  We both are goal oriented and have high expectations and aspirations in life.  I followed the independence and career drive that my mother has by owning a dog grooming salon.  My sister went away to earn her college degrees, and now has moved to Australia to work in a college.  I preferred to live close to home and work a full-time job while getting my education.  I never felt I was a perfectionist, but I was always striving to please.  

There have been many recent studies on the topic of birth order and individual’s personality traits.  Some theories show that the traits could be more related to the individuals upbringing, parental involvement, size of family, age and sex of siblings, socioeconomic standings, and culture (Berger, 2021). According to my parents, we both had decent grades, we both had a temper and desire to excel.  She was rebellious as a child; I was rebellious as a teen.  I endured more punishment because of my behavior, and she got away with more because my parents were busy dealing with me.  She enjoyed more materialistic things; I believe because my parents were in a better financial place by that time then they were with me.  As a young child I spent many days with a sitter, and when my sister was young, I was her sitter.  I was controlling over her, although she was difficult to manage.  My parents had high expectations of me and I had many responsibilities.  Most of my middle childhood was spent caring for my sister, helping my mother, now feeling as if I had to grow up at a young age.  Which is a trend for most of my life.

If I were to compare Adler’s beliefs about birth order to my family, I can say I partially agree with his personality descriptions.  I did research and found studies that prove there is no relation to order and predicted personalities (Berger, 2021).  Everyone has their own personality which develops over time and is based on different life experiences.  Also, the descriptions seemed either or, being opposites.  Some aspects coincidentally characterized me, like having a type A personality and resistance stepping out of my comfort zone, which can lead to excessive stress (Voo, 2020).  Not all characteristics hold true for myself and my sister.

Adlerian therapy emphasizes the need to overcome feelings of inferiority and gain a sense of belonging (Cherry, 2021).  Once my sister was born, I suffered from overcompensation to a severe level once I was a teenager.  After studying this theory, I had an inferiority complex, with low self-esteem and displayed secondary inferiority as an adult.  I began a life of alcohol and drug abuse to compensate for these feelings.  Although Adler believed that behavior is learned, I feel that my behavior was to seek attention and to cope.  After years of therapy, I was able to acknowledge these feelings of inferiority, and set stable goals in my life once I was sober.  I feel connected now, although I still strive for approval from my parents.  I was reorientated into society with courage to face challenges and have become a better person.


Berger, L. (2021, April 13). Does Birth Order Really Determine Personality? Here's What the Research Says.  Time.

Cherry, K. (2021, December 21). What is Alderian Therapy? Very Well Mind.

Corey, G. (2012). Student Manual for Corey’s Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. Cengage Learning.

Voo, J. (2020, July 30). Birth Order Traits: Your Guide to Sibling Personality Differences. Parents.

The Beginning of the Atlantic Slave Trade


The Beginning of the Atlantic Slave Trade

            Portugal was the first nation who began the slave trade industry.  The Portuguese people would control the trade system during the 16th century.  The demand for laborers was the cause for the increase of slave trading.  Portuguese usually purchased captives during tribal wars, then they began invading towns taking more (Lewis, 2022).  Slave trading was a means to make money for anyone who could take and transport enslaved people.  Although Portugal had created a monopoly in the slave trade industry, other European nations gained access to the trade through privateering.  After Portugal and Spain united in 1580, this broke the monopoly by offering direct slave trade contracts to the other European merchants, known as the asiento system.  The Dutch, British, and French also took advantage of the system (African passages, lowcountry adaptations, n.d.).   

            Initially people would acquire their slaves through raids along the coast, but they soon found this to be too costly and ineffective.  Fear of captivity made economics and agricultural production impossible.  These devastating effects created “economic incentives for warlords and tribes to engage in the trade of enslaved people, promoting an atmosphere of lawlessness and violence” (Lewis, 2022).  Typically, once captured, slaves would be chained together for transport, with nearly 10-15% not making the trip alive (Mintz, n.d.). 

Conditions of Slaves 

Slaves aboard ships lived in horrible conditions and suffered poor health from physical and mental abuse.  Men were packed tightly under the ship,  women and children were kept separate and granted more freedom to move around.  Their journey usually took two or more months.  They were often exposed to physical and sexual abuse from the crew.  Passengers suffered from fever, dysentery, and smallpox, with those that were sick or dead being thrown overboard.  Some European governments passed laws to aid in the slave’s survival, limiting the number of slaves on the ship and requiring a surgeon to be on board.  Not only did the captives have to fear for their life, the Captains and crew were also fearful of revolts.  Captain Richard Norris wrote in his logbook dated June 27, 1770, “the slaves attempted to force up the gratings in the night with a design to murder the whites or drown themselves, but were prevented by the watch... Their obstinacy put me under the necessity of shooting the ringleader” (The middle passage, n.d.).

            Conditions were not much better on land either.   Slaves had no legal rights and were treated poorly.   However, American slave owners would provide limited housing, food, and clothing.  The slaves did not complain in fear of punishment.  Slaves on plantations had better conditions and necessities compared to those who worked in fields.  Mostly they made their own meals, with their diet consisting of fatty meats and cornbread.  Some owners would allow them to make a small garden to supplement their diet.  Slaves were expected to work all day, every day, some being allowed to rest on Sundays (The living conditions of slaves in the American south, 2022).

The Effects of the Slave Trade on Africa

            Before European slavers arrived, Africans had their own culture and ways of life.  They produced luxury items made of bronze, ivory, gold, and terracotta.  Ethiopian rich soil supported large populations and the climate made agricultural diversification and trade possible (Berger et al, 2016). They had developed their own trading systems with products like salt, weapons, textiles, and manufactured goods.  Increasing tension and fear occurred in these regions where capturing was more prevalent.  Europe’s increased warfare and political instability grew in West Africa, “some states like Asante and Dahomey, grew powerful and wealthy as a result.  Other states were completely destroyed, and their population decimated as they were absorbed by their rivals” (West Africa, n.d.).  Even during the time when governments were abolishing slavery, some African regions were unwilling to stop the slave trade industry because of the money it supplied.   Socially and politically, during pre-colonial times, slave trading increased absolutism and reduced democracy.  British colonies that exported more slaves had more indirect rule.  They found that making their own laws and justifications for acts were approved of, even in post-colonial days (Bertocchi, 2016).   

            Aside from the problems within the governing processes, it had direct effects on the population and their own economic system.  Men outnumbered women as captives and the population declined.  It also implicated family structure, as women had to assume roles as men for work and production.  Another topic is the correlation of geography and climate on the slave trade.  The rugged terrain protected them from slavery raids, but also had negative consequences on their economic productions and survival.  This land was less adequate for farming and was more susceptible to crop failure and famine.  The climate affected them because even though slavery declined during the warmer times, famine was present and lowering production.  However, slaving increased in the cooler times, but agriculture was less favorable at this time.  But slave trading was a source of income for wealthy landowners in Africa, and still continues today (Bertocchi, 2016).


The Economic Impact of the Slave Trade

The prices of enslaved people varied.  Accounting for the cost of owning them, they were profitable to keep for their trade value and for the labor they provided.  Women cost slightly more because of their ability to produce children and young men were more valuable because of the labor they could provide (Mintz, n.d.).  Besides being laborers on the plantations, slaves could serve as domestic laborers working as butlers, maids, and stable boys.  They also served as merchants as carpenters, blacksmiths, spinners and weavers.  Merchants and wealthy landowners would also trade their slaves for goods like metals, cloths, jewelry, and guns (African passages, lowcountry adaptations, n.d.).  

Leaving Africa, they would either go to Europe, the Caribbean islands or North and South America.  Sugarcane was a prized crop that was in the Americas.  Sugarcane could be made into refined sugar, molasse, and rum (How slaves helped build a world economy, 2003).  The money most plantation owners made from their products were used to purchase more slaves.  Later in the colonial period of the United States, tobacco was dominating the slave-produced goods, mostly concentrated in Virginia and Maryland.  Then there were rice and indigo plantations in South Carolina.  The invention of the cotton gin in 1793 made slave produced cotton expand from South Carolina and Georgia to newly colonized land west of Mississippi (How slaves helped build a world economy, 2003).

The lack of statistical evidence of economic effects in Africa makes it hard to label the impacts directly.  Known facts about the tribes in Africa, the rival African rulers competed for slaves for their own uses.  This not only created conflict with the other slaving countries, it demolished a valuable source of income for these kingdoms.  Slaves that were captured carried diseases that were not accustomed to the New World and other countries, wiping out the local population, decreasing the labor force and production.  For Britain, slaves were the boost they needed to “industrialize” their nation.  Free labor in their newly formed factories allowed them to increase products cheaply for a worldly market (Riches and Misery: The consequences of the Atlantic slave trade, 2020).

The slave trade instilled a social and cultural divide that is still known today.  The lack of trust, education, and equality has influenced all the nations around the world.  However, there has been some improvement in cultural life in the past 100 years, as black individuals have gained rights and given more equal opportunities.  New cultural identities have been formed with the bridge of African traditions and European culture merging to create new traditions.  Slavery is illegal in most of all nations; however, it does still occur in underdeveloped countries.  The abolition of slavery changed the way the world does business and set us up for a new form of industry, the mechanical industrial revolution.


African passages, lowcountry adaptations. (n.d.). LDHI.

Berger, E., Israel, G., Miller, C., Parkinson, B., Reeves, A.; & Williams, N. (2016). World History: Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500. Galileo Open Textbooks. Chapter 9.

Bertocchi, G. The legacies of slavery in and out of Africa. IZA J Migration 5, 24 (2016).

How slavery helped build a world economy. (2003, January 3). National Geographic.

Lewis, T. (2022, August 23). Transatlantic slave trade.  Britannica.

Mintz, S. (n.d.). Historical context: Facts about the slave trade and slavery. The Gilder Luhrman Institute of African history.

Obikili, N. (2016, September 12). The transatlantic slave trade and local political fragmentation in Africa. AEHN.

Riches and misery: The consequences of the Atlantic slave trade. (2020, September 25). Open Learn.

The living conditions of slaves in the American south. (2022, September 8). History on the net.

The middle passage. (n.d.). National Museum Liverpool.

West Africa. (n.d.). National Museum Liverpool.


Dream Analysis and Freudian Theory


My Dream Analysis According to Freudian Theory


My dream began with Katie, one of my friends, plus her children and myself inside of Food Lion shopping.  However, nothing was in its normal place. I felt lost and frustrated while we were searching for cereal.  We were walking around with Katie pushing the basket, and her son was inside it.  Then we passed by a larger woman, who I did not recognize, but I believe she worked there.  For some unknown reason they began screaming at each other.  I was embarrassed and concerned that the fight would escalate.  Other people tried to stop the argument, but I took the basket and walked away.  She followed me and the argument ended.  We found the cereal aisle and saw the largest bag of fruit loops.  We were tempted to steal them.  I checked the price; it was listed for only $1.50.  I compared the tags to the listed price, seeing that the barcode had our names printed on them.  We began loading the cart with the bags.  I am not sure if we store the cereal or not.

            The dream transitioned to a vendor event, feeling like I have been there before.  I enjoyed looking at all the things, like crystals and crafts.   However, I was disappointed that I was too late for the door opening sale.  I was alone exploring, but then soon met up with Katie and her family.  Her husband was amazed looking at the hand-blown glass smoking pipes, and I felt nervous being over there.  I told Katie where her husband was, and mentioned to her that I was afraid he was going to break something.

            During the next part of my dream, I was at a party where I was planning to spend the night.  Each bed was numbered, also there was a lottery game happening.   If the number of your bed is called, you will win $500.  My bed, number 3 won.  Then, I noticed myself breaking out with a rash on my chest and face.  I thought it was an allergic reaction to something, until my other friend noticed it happening to her too.  It was like blisters, we decided that we had smallpox.  That is where my dream ended.

            Freud believed the dreams were the “royal road to the unconscious” (Corey, pg. 80).  The latent content, or the hidden symbols are the unconscious wishes, desires, and fears within a person.  These symbols are transferred into less traumatic material, called manifested content (pg. 80).  Dream interpretation and free association allows the client to openly say what comes to mind.  When the analyst can interpret the client’s dreams, it can bring insight to thoughts and feelings they may have repressed.  Freud had theories about dream analysis.  He reported that different ideas and concepts are represented in a single dream and can be condensed into a single thought or image.  Displacement refers to disguising the meanings of latent content by confusing the important aspects and the insignificant parts of the dream (Cherry, 2022).

            Dissecting my dream brought great insight to my life.  Using the Auntyflo website, I was able to research many thoughts and symbols within the manifested content of my dream.  Shopping with my best friend has many symbolic meanings.  Being with a friend could mean you need to better relate to people around you, it could indicate I needed some alone time, also I should follow my intuition.  Shopping in a grocery store is a common dream because it is a necessity in life.  This can symbolize a warning to pay more attention to personal wellbeing and possibly needing to change my lifestyle.  Cereal is considered grains, which according to AuntyFlo, there is a lot to unpack on this subject.  Bags with grains signify wealth.  I feel that I have enough, needing to remain humble.  Having many bags possibly says that I need to share my wealth and help others around me, especially in the community.  For my thoughts regarding stealing the cereal, this can signify a sense of helplessness or that I worry how to live day by day.  To witness my friend arguing with a stranger could be a form of transference, to experience feelings that are unconsciously available (Corey, pg. 82).  This tells me that I am under pressure from other people.  Or possibly something external is influencing my life and I need to move away from stress.  Being at the vendor event is something I enjoy.  According to Auntyflo, shopping in a mall can signify new things are coming, however, I need to focus on things I currently have.  For her husband to be looking at paraphernalia and myself to leave, brings insight to my sobriety.  In past dreams, I may have been more interested, or the dream moves into myself partaking in drug or alcohol use.  

            When my dream transitioned to the party, this was a bizarre twist.  According to Cherry (2022), this type of change in events is called a secondary revision that reorganizes my dream to make more sense.  I was not aware of the lottery until I was told that I won.  Researching the lottery on the Auntyflo site, they say that having the lottery involved in a dream means you have a desire to get rid of bad luck.  Also, by winning, I am making effective steps towards my goals.  It is said that winning with lower numbers (1-10) indicates a fresh start and I am acting rationally.  A spiritual meaning of the lottery in your dreams means that you need to ask yourself what parts of your life need improvement.  Also, the lottery can be a warning about a risky endeavor that may have bad results or that my wishes are unrealistic.  For my dream to end with myself and a friend catching smallpox, could mean I am experiencing an unexpected event.  A disease symbolizes fear, anxiety, and crisis in confidence.  Specifically, to have a visual contagious disease means that everything seems like a blur right now.

            I understand why Freud used dream analysis as a technique to get inside of his client’s consciousness.  One dream alone showed me multiple signs and symbols that I can currently relate to.  I can understand the interpretations about my friendship, concerns about wealth and health, feeling pressure from other people to provide and perform, and myself feeling helpless.  I am trying to overcome my difficulties, although everything seems like a blur.  It also leads my mind to be open and wonder what kind of unexpected event that I could expect.  Even mentally preparing myself.  Dreams are how we cope with problems the mind is struggling with subconsciously and by analyzing these dreams, it can help us understand our behaviors and feelings.


Cherry, K. (2022, February 9). Dream interpretation: What do dreams mean? Verywell Mind.

Corey, G. (2012). Student Manual for Corey’s Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. Cengage Learning.

Dream Dictonary. (2021). Auntyflo.